Sunday, October 19, 2008


Hi everyone. Thanks for following me here. Facebook just got to be too much for me to deal with right now. I hope to be back, but right now I need to step back, inventory my life, and let my emotions settle down a bit. I feel as though I've been skinned alive. Everything hurts, everything is just too raw. But, as I like to say, pain is natures way of reminding you that you are a living human being. Hell of a reminder!

I hope to be able to post funny things here such as lolcats and videos. I'm not sure how this works.

I do plan on getting the photos back up probably on Google's Picasa photo hosting website. From there you can also order prints of whatever you want.

Take care and check back often. I think you can even subscribe to my blog so you get a notice when it's updated.

Until then,
